Tuesday, May 5, 2009

To tattoo or not to tattoo...

It is indeed the age old question. Is a tattoo just a little bit too hardcore? Even for me?! I've got 7 piercings which grew to that number without me noticing. Just for those wondering I have 3 in each ear and a nose piercing. It's not anything weird.

I won't get any more though. 7 is the perfect number.

So back to tattoos.

I'm concerned that it seems a sudden jump up from piercings which can after all be removed. No such quick fix for tats.

And of course they have really come to be the next big thing. So much so that I think they might be a bit "so last year" instead of "so hot right now".

So why am I thinking of one?

I guess it seems to sum up how I'm feeling about my commitment to God and to the role He seems to have given me in mission right now. I want a permanent sign of my commitment to my end of the bargin - faithfulness to His call. Although honestly He gives me the ability to be faithful so actually I contribute very little.

So in light of that, a tat seems a small commitment really doesn't it?


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