Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Stuff Christians Like

Absolutely love reading what Jon of Stuff Christians Like has to say, and especially enjoyed this post. Read the full thing here. This was the part that really captured my thoughts, that I thought was really inspirational:

"There are probably a billion reasons it’s difficult to be a youth minister, but one of the reasons that it’s not, is pretty simple:
This generation has more potential to spread the gospel than any other generation in the history of mankind.
It’s true, teenagers today will communicate more, share more and talk more than ever before. Twenty years ago, when a student heard a great sermon, they maybe told two friends at school. Now, they post a link to it on facebook. They tweet about it. They blog about it. Your sermon can go viral in about 12 seconds. The ability for this next generation to be salt and light is unbelievable."
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