Saturday, July 31, 2010


Is it cute or pathetic that I was incredibly excited that someone left a comment on my blog for the first time?! Hmmm... I'm not actually sure but I'm not sure that I'm worried about it! I have been doing things without thinking overly much about who might be reading... oops! Maybe it's time to think about people reading?! Ah... the amazing possibilities ;)

Thank you commenter person, you've totally made my day :)

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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Inspiration from another blog

I know that it feels like stealing but I have to share this awesome phrasing about inspiration:

"Too often we give up on inspiration, instead choosing to wallow in the mundane. We trade in our dreams and rationalize it as being realistic, pragmatic… after all there are bills to pay, deadlines to meet.
I reject that. Why in a world of vibrant, vivid colors would you choose gray or worse choose to close your eyes?
We must be moved to greatness. We must become agitated, stirred into action, inspired to reach far above and beyond anything conceived as possible in this world. Because THIS IS NOT OUR WORLD.
So don’t give in, don’t settle. This is not your world. You are meant for so much more than this.
Find inspiration.
Be reminded of who you really are. Be reminded of what it’s like to be in the presence of God. The presence of Him from Whom all blessings flow.
Find inspiration.
Surround yourself with it. Drink it in until there is no room for boring or unimaginative or mundane. Reject possible because possible is beneath you.
Find inspiration that lifts you up to great heights where nobility and righteousness and glory reside.
Find inspiration to reach to strive for more than what this world offers… and the world will be better for it"

This is from Kingdom Inspiration by Kevin Ring

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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Stuff Christians Like

Absolutely love reading what Jon of Stuff Christians Like has to say, and especially enjoyed this post. Read the full thing here. This was the part that really captured my thoughts, that I thought was really inspirational:

"There are probably a billion reasons it’s difficult to be a youth minister, but one of the reasons that it’s not, is pretty simple:
This generation has more potential to spread the gospel than any other generation in the history of mankind.
It’s true, teenagers today will communicate more, share more and talk more than ever before. Twenty years ago, when a student heard a great sermon, they maybe told two friends at school. Now, they post a link to it on facebook. They tweet about it. They blog about it. Your sermon can go viral in about 12 seconds. The ability for this next generation to be salt and light is unbelievable."
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Online Sewing Class for Beginners

This is a class being offered by LA & Rachel who's blogs I follow... wish I had the time to do it! But check it out if you think you do. It looks fantastic :)

Home Ec is an online sewing class perfect for beginners (no sewing experience needed) and those wanting to develop their sewing skills and create 26 awesome projects! This is a take it at your own pace class beginning August 10th that includes 3 Guides, 26 step-by-step Projects with at least 1 new Sewing Technique in each, and a tips post on How to Invent & Adapt projects of your own! Take a look at all the projects!...
Along with daily sewing projects available in the private class blog, you can participate in live chats to get friendly with your classmates and enjoy Q&A time with your teachers. Click 
here forfull details and registration information or e-mail questions to Leigh-Ann 
Looking forward to sewing with you!!
Leigh-AnnRachel and Courtney

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Cafe evening

Ok so I guess I need to get over myself. But you know how you tie yourself and part of your self image to how you feel things went, when you are the one who organises them? Well the mission cafe evening I tried to organise for this evening really didn't happen that well at all. Hardly anybody came... My baking wasn't that great either but that is almost besides the point.

I know I'm in a "meh" mood, but I feel really blah after that. Time to read some of the pretty blogs I follow and re-inspire myself that there is gorgeousness out there in this lovely world God created :)

Just had to whinge about it first!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Where I'm at

I have been looking at again and found these... which I just liked so much I thought I'd share them:

And I couldn't do this without having at least one tattoo image...!

Friday, July 16, 2010

I should be in bed...

Ok well I know I should be in bed already. It's been a long day in Auckland, and we got back at 11:30pm. It's reasonable to spend a little time unwinding after a busy day and then a discussion about the future on the hour and half drive back home... but I couldn't sleep after that. So I looked through the various blogs I follow. And I was pulled into the magical world of beauty, deep thoughts and wonderful humour. Thank God for people who regularly post things to share with others! I think I might need to take a leaf out of their books... :)

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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

which Jane Austen heroine am I?

I am Elinor Dashwood!

Take the Quiz here!