Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The difficulties of names

I can't deny I felt more neurotic than when I was trying to name something living when thinking of a name for this blog. How is it that I would be so worried about this and not worry when my friend Tommo named my cat for me?

(Tommo is an incredibly passionate, exciting and interesting guy who named the cat "Nowlock". In hindsite I possibly should have taken more care naming the cat. It ended up thinking itself so powerful it could take on a car. Not unnaturally, it lost that fight.)

But when thinking of a name I was reminded of when I was thinking of taking on a possible new role a couple of years ago. My role at the time was using a admin @ company type name, which I confess annoyed me. I was doing a number of things in the role far more than admin, and I wanted to be a person at the end of the email. So a friend (who in the interests of my own personal safety shall remain nameless) suggested a range of highly inappropriate email addresses for me. Some of her suggestions came to mind and I decided on the shorter of these. I didn't think superhotintelligentmissionschick was quite right somehow.

I never took that job.


Could have been interesting discussing my email name.


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